Call Dispatch


The Call Dispatch allows the users to, depending on the Dispatch Type selected, assign employees, equipment, trades, equipment types, contacts and teams to projects; to assign service calls, work orders, quotations or projects to an employee; assign work orders or projects to equipment.






ClosedEMPLOYEE Dispatch Icons

ClosedEQUIPMENT Dispatch Icons

ClosedPROJECT Dispatch Icons




maestro* > Service Management > Service Management > Dispatch > Call Dispatch


Enter a dispatch

  1. Select a dispatch: Employees, Equipement ou Projects.
  2. Select a dispatch Model.
  3. If needed, apply a Filter.
  4. Assign an item in the dispatch:

Employees Dipatch

  1. Assign a call, a work order, an estimation or a project to an employee by clicking on an item and dragging it in the Employees Dispatch grid.
  2. If necessary, click on the Show items with dispatches only icon to display only the employees already assigned.
  3. Select the assigned item in the dispatch grid and then right-click to display the pop-up menu.

Equipment Dispatch

  1. Assign a work order or a project to an equipment by clicking on an item and dragging it in the Equipment Dispatch grid.
  2. If necessary, click on the Show items with dispatches only icon to display only the equipments already assigned.
  3. Select the assigned item in the dispatch grid and then right-click to display the pop-up menu.

Projects Dispatch

  1. Assigner an employee, an equipment, an equipment type or a trade by clicking on an item and dragging it in the Project Dispatch grid.
  2. If necessary, click on the Show items with dispatches only icon to display only the projects already assigned.
  3. Select the assigned item in the dispatch grid and then right-click to display the pop-up menu.

Dispatch Grid Options




Allows user to filter the employees, by status, employee number, last name, first name, work category, CCQ union, trade code, region, grouping, equipment codes and user number.

Show items with dispatches only

Allows user to display only employees with dispatches.


Allows user to select a specific date, based on the detail mode selected. It is possible to navigate the dates using the previous and next buttons.

Number of employees

Allows the user to indicate the number of employees to display in the dispatch grid.


Allows user to select the level of detail to display in the dispatch grid. The choices are: Hours, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 6 minutes and 5 minutes.


Displays the percentage of de zoom for each detail mode.

NOTE: It is possible to modify the default zoom percentage for each level of detail by sliding the scrollbar.

Show Work Orders Only

Check in order to display only work orders.


Pop-up menus

ClosedPop-up Menu - Time Range
ClosedPop-up Menu - Calls
ClosedPop-up Menu - Work Orders
ClosedPop-up Menu - Estimating
ClosedPop-up menu - Projects


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025